Saturday, February 26, 2011

Didactic Displines

Tres Mali Scott
Paranormal Sociology (PNS) and Paranormal Criminology (PNC) are didactic displines specializing in understanding the affects and effects of para-terrorism and terrorism.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"The Paranormals" as a Science

Tres Mali Scott
From: TMSC Consulting Services, LLC Psychic Nosology Division: Paranormal Psychiatry

A disturbance in structure or function from para-terrorism is: Chronic Stress Disorder.
The failure to adapt to para-terrorism is: "The Lucifer Concept".

These concepts of para-terrorism can be applied to Biological Warefare, Bio Warfare, and Germ Warfare.

The Characterizations of Chronic Stress Disorder for "The Paranormals":
  • PNP- Paranormal Psychology- continued psychic disturbances
  • PNP- Paranormal Psychiatry- continuedmental stressors with a biological, neurological, or chemical basis
  • PNS- Paranormal Sociology- continued negative situations
  • PNC- Paranormal Criminology- oppression, lack of opportunity, poverty, etc.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The "Science" Fields

Tres Mali Scott
Science, no matter what field, uses methods to gather, measure, and report data from controlled, ethical, empirical, qualitative or quantitative research.

The title that covers most of the "sciences" is Behavioral Science, since there is a lot of overlap. What are the Behavioral Sciences?

Behavioral Science is the branch of science that studies human and animal behavior. Behavioral science looks at the impact or influences that societies, groups, and cultures have on individual behavior. Depending upon the area in behavioral sciences other medical or social sciences may be included. Behavioral science focuses more on reactions within and between organisms that dictate behavioral trends and has many common studies with the Social Sciences.

The Social Sciences focuses more on structural systems and cultures. Behavioral science also has many common studies with the Medical Sciences, neurology, chemistry, and geology, that influence individual behavior. An example is Autism, which is most commonly treated with psychological therapy to improve interaction, but is considered a neurological disorder or postpartum depression, that is treated by psychologist, but is considered a hormonal imbalance -chemical.

The larger titles that describe the sciences include:

The Formula Science:
  • Computer,
  • Statistics, etc.
Behavioral and Social Sciences:
  • Anthropology,
  • Archaeology,
  • Criminology,
  • History,
  • Psychology,
  • Sociology, etc.
Medical Sciences:
  • Health Sciences,
  • Earth Sciences,
  • Natural Sciences, etc.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paranormal Criminology (PNC)

Tres Mali Scott
This topic is endorsed by The International Library of Paranormal Psychology by Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD), Pulitzer Center Citizen Journalist 2nd & 3rd Award & on Experts 123 The Questions and Answers Encyclopedia

Paranormal Criminology is the "seventh sense" of the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior. The number seven is the numerical signature for perfection. The rise in use of technology during terrorism, which is termed "para-terrorism" causes a new look at many of the old fields of study to measure the impact of paranormal and supernatural activity. Paranormal Criminology (PNC) is a part of the social sciences and is concerned with the affects and effects of paranormal and supernatural activity on crime and criminal behavior.

Criminology is a social science and is concerned with:
  • The causes of crime,
  • prevention of crime,
  • the social impact of crime,
  • reactions to crime, and
  • the criminals themselves.
The term criminology was coined by Rafaele Garofalo, an Italian law professor, in 1885, as criminologia. The word criminology comes from the Latin, crimen, meaning "accusation" and the Greek for "logia".

References/Sources: (2011) (2011) (2011) (2011) (2008) (2010) (2007)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Paranormal Sociology (PNS)

Tres Mali Scott
This topic is endorsed by The International Library of Paranormal Psychology by Tres Mali Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD), Pulitzer Center Citizen Journalist 2nd & 3rd Award & on Experts 123 The Questions and Answers Encyclopedia

Paranormal Sociology (PNS) is the "seventh sense" of understanding social activity and predicting or forecasting outcomes of social trends. The number seven is the numerical signature for perfection. Paranormal Sociology (PNS) is the scienific examination of the societial impact  of paranormal or supernatural phomena on history, psychology, and ecominics. The three discplines, history, psychology, and ecominics are the foundation discplines that make up Sociology.

Sociology is the study of society, it is a social science that varies in methods of  empirical investigation and critical analysis. Sociology collects a body of knowledge about human social activity with the intent of applying the knowledge to improve social welfare.

The French assayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes (1748-1836) coined the phrase in 1780. In 1838, sociology was defined independently by Auguste Comte (1798-1857), a philosopher of science. His original terms was "social physics", attepting to unify history, psychology, and economics through the scientific understanding  of the social realm.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) worked on developing scientif justification systems during the European industrialisation and secularisation era.

The areas most studied by Sociology are:
  • Social stratification,
  • social class,
  • social mobility,
  • religion,
  • secularisation,
  • law, and
  • deviance.
When looking at social structures and agencies, the areas most sutdied by Sociology are:
  • Health,
  • military,
  • penal institutions, and
  • the internet.
Paranormal Sociology (PNS) studies the effects or affects of paranormal or supernatural activity on society. The word sociology or sociologie is derived from the latin "socius", meaning companion and "ology", meaning the study of and the Greek "logos", meaning word, knowledge. The Paranormal Sociological (PNS) effects and affects of paranormal or supernatural activity most commonly seen are:
  1. The rise in cult like behavior,
  2. the rise in occult activity,
  3. the rise in violent criminal behavior,
  4. the increase in proverty,
  5. the increase in relocations, and
  6. the interruption of religious attendance (Mass, Church, religious activities).
References/Sources: (2011) (2008) (2010) (2007) (2010) (2010)